Study Proposals
• Semi-annual programs in public or private universities
• Immersion programmes
• Summer courses
Spanish Schools:
• Spanish courses general, thematic or specific
• Courses and trips in Argentina
Why do you have to study in Argentina?
Because Argentina is:
• The country of all landscapes: deserts, Pampas, estuaries, beaches, mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, forests, mountains, plateaus and much more.
• Great cultural diversity as the result of the union between the aboriginal traditions and the millions of immigrants who came from all over the world
• High academic quality and tradition. It is the country with the largest number of foreign students and it is the 3rd one with the oldest university in Latin America.
• Cities with millions of inhabitants as Buenos Aires or distant sites where there is a person for every 20 square kms.
• The land of the passions demonstrated through the personality of his people (Prevents, Gardel or Che Guevara), their sporting idols (Messi, Maradona or Ginobili), tango, the football or the gaucho.
• The warmth and good treatment of the Argentines, always willing to do a “gauchada” with a mate in his hand.
• Its wines, among the best in the world.
• The exchange situation is favorable in relation to many Foreign Currency: Dollar, Real, Euro, etc.
• The public health system serves to foreigners without charge, either by general consultation or emergencies
• The food is unique, a place where you will not be able to make diet and will always be with friends. The roast, the empanadas, locro, humita, pasta, la milanesa or the bife de chorizo. People who haven’t tested it yet, they still do not know the good.